Indonesia Furniture Designer Association
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Himpunan Desainer Mebel Indonesia didirikan karena kebutuhan yang mendesak – bukan hanya dari pihak profesi sendiri tetapi juga kebutuhan dari kalangan industri.
Melihat besarnya industri mebel di Indonesia yang ada dan juga nilai ekspor mebel jadi Indonesia yang merupakan pemasukan devisa nomor 2 setelah migas maka wajar timbul dorongan dari berbagai kalangan untuk mempersatukan profesi desainer mebel agar terjadi sebuah wadah sinergi yang positif.
Indonesian Furniture Designers Association was established as an urgent need – not only from the profession itself but also the needs of the industry.
Given the huge scale of the furniture industry in Indonesia that exist and also the value of Indonesian exports of furniture so that the foreign exchange income become the number 2 after the oil and natural gas, it make sense this condition arising support from various institution and circles among the furniture industries to unite the all profession designer furniture to one place to create positive synergy on furniture field.
Persatuan desainer mebel yang dibangun dengan baik diharapkan akan mampu memberikan dukungan kepada kalangan professional desainer mebel dan stake holder industry mebel yang pada ujungnya akan semakin menguatkan kompetensi profesi desainer mebel.
Di lain sisi, kalangan professional desainer mebel pun menyerukan untuk mendirikan sebuah badan yang dapat menjadi pemersatu para desainer mebel yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia agar dapat terciptanya sinergi serta dapat menjadi abritase terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan yang menyangkut etika keprofesian desainer mebel.
Potensi besar yang masih berserak ini harus menjadi suatu potensi yang secara nyata dapat memberikan kontribusi yang optimal terhadap perkembangan dan perbaikan kualitas mebel Indonesia.
Oleh karena itu, inisiatif mendirikan Himpunan Desainer Mebel Indonesia kami ambil untuk menjawab permintaan berbagai kalangan demi tujuan yang baik.
Union of designer furniture that is built with both expected to be able to provide support to the professional furniture designers and furniture industry stakeholders, on the ends as a result will further strengthen the professional competence of furniture designer.
On the other hand, among the professional furniture designers were called to establish a body which can be a unifier of the designer furniture scattered throughout Indonesia in order to create synergies and to resolve dispute or legal action on issues relating to professional ethics of designer furniture.
Great potential that still scattered it must become real potential to provide an optimal contribution to the development and improvement of quality of Indonesian furniture.
Therefore, the initiative established Indonesian Furniture Designers Association we’re taking to answer the request of various institution and circles for a good purpose.